
Стихи о любви на английском языке

"How Little in Me Is Not Touched by You"

How Little in Me Is Not Touched by You
How little in me is not touched by you!
A friendship is a light that fills the heart,
Painting with its gold each darkened hue,
Providing warmth to each sequestered part.
You are the mirror of my better self,
Verifier of the best in me,
A bridge across the unsuspected gulf
Lodged between what can and ought to be.
Expectations can be wings, not bars,
Necessary to sustain our flight.
The faith of friends in us is wholly ours,
Incoming to uplift us to its height.
No soul can see itself, but must depend,
Each on each, upon a trusted friend.
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"She walks in beauty, like the night"

She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies,
And all that's best of dark and bright,
Meet in the aspect and her eyes;
Thus mellow'd to that tender light
Which heaven and gaudy day denies.
Lord Byron
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"I Miss You Terribly This Day of Love"

I Miss You Terribly This Day of Love
I miss you terribly this day of love,
Miss you with a wound that stabs and aches.
I see the love around me, and it takes
So much strength simply just to move.
Soon, soon, my love, this waiting will be done.
You and I will have what we desire.
On days like this we'll sit beside the fire,
Undoing all the pain of days long gone.
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"If I could save time in a bottle"

If I could save time in a bottle
If I could save time in a bottle
the first thing that I'd like to do
is to save every day 'til eternity passes away
just to spend them with you
if I could make days last forever
if words could make wishes come true
I'd save every day like a treasure and then
again I would spend them with you
if I had a box just for wishes
and dreams that had never come true
the box would be empty except for the
memories of how they were answered by you
but there never seems
to be enough time to do the
things you want once you find them
I've looked around enough to know that
you're the one I want to go through time with
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"In My Thoughts."

In My Thoughts...
I had no reason
to send you a card,
no great news to reveal.
But I wanted you to know
that you're in my thoughts
and in my heart as well.
And I'm sending you a
wish for a wonderful day.
I hope lots of sunshine
comes your way.
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In all earth's music, grand, or sweet, or strong,
To hear one name, as if 'twere set in song.
In all my poems, written 'neath the sun,
To find the praises, o'er and o'er, in one.
To feel thyself a lesser part of what
Hadst thou not found, the earth would be as naught.
To think all beauty, perfectness and grace,
As but the shadow of one worshiped face.
With that face's coming, to bask in warmth and light
And with its going to grope, as in the night.
To rather feel a dear hand's stinging blow
Than any caress another might bestow.
To rather sit in gloom, and hear one voice
Than, missing that, on mountain tops rejoice.
To lose all individual hope and aim,
And have no wish, but for another's fame.
To count grief naught, though great, if one is glad.
To feel no joy if that dear one is sad.
Do thy heart strings, responsive, answer this?
Then thou hast known true love in all its bliss.
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"This Valentine's I Wish that You Were with Me"

This Valentine's I Wish that You Were with Me
This Valentine's I wish that you were with me.
It's lonelier than most days I'm alone,
Even though we'll manage on the phone
To touch with words the face we cannot see.
You away are far more dear to me
Than anyone who might remain at home.
My love is in the places that you roam,
Being with you where I cannot be.
We do not choose the objects of our passion,
But passively await the holy fire
That immolates our past and lights our fate,
Twisting through the alleys of desire.
So I am yours, and will contented wait,
Allowing love my life and will to fashion.
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"Valentine Wishes!"

Valentine Wishes!
If all the happiness I have ever known,
would be all that I would ever own~
It would be all right, it would be okay,
because happiness has been mine since you came my way...
For there is love and then there is love,
and the love you gave me came straight from heaven above,
Kisses like yours are the sweetest kind,
when I think of them, an angel comes to mind!
If suddenly my life came to an end,
and of good things there would be no more,
it would not matter, because of the best,
I have tasted and that's for sure~
Kisses sweet as the finest wine
were the kind that made my life so divine...
For in your warm arms, I found complete bliss,
you always saw that I had much happiness,
I could not look back and feel so bad,
you can't do that when you've got the best that can be had!
And with these wonderful thoughts in mind,
I just had to send you this romantic valentine~
To tell you that I loved you yesterday,
and today I do, and I will tomorrow too...
This card is not empty, it contains my heart full of love,
to let you know it's you I am thinking of,
And it is my fondest wish today,
to wish you a very wonderful and happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day To The One I Love!
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"Valentine's a Day to Say, "I Love You""

Valentine's a Day to Say, "I Love You"
Valentine's a day to say, "I love you,"
A ritual that stages something real,
Letting out the truth of what I feel
Even as I think it often of you.
Nor could I with such grace without this day
Tell you that I'm grateful that I have you,
Impress upon you just how much I need you,
Needing such a frame for what I say
Even as I would my heart reveal.
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"Valentine's for Lovers and for Friends"

Valentine's for Lovers and for Friends
Valentine's for lovers and for friends.
All my love goes out to you this day!
Love is something different from desire:
Even, silent, peaceful as the sky.
Nor is love interested in means or ends.
There are no selfish needs that it must weigh.
Instead, love's plenitude itself inspires,
Needing neither cause nor reason why.
Each day my thoughts enchanted with you lie.
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"Words Can Tell What Hearts Divine"

Words Can Tell What Hearts Divine
Words can tell what hearts divine
This most romantic time of year:
So will you be my Valentine?
I'll be yours if you'll be mine
Till golden moon meets midnight drear.
For words can tell what hearts divine
When air's perfume and water's wine,
And cupids hover at one's ear:
So will you be my Valentine?
And do we feelings dare define
In phrases adamant and clear?
For words can tell what hearts divine,
And souls can step across a line
On days when angels wait to cheer:
So will you be my Valentine?
Ah, love! Let love this one day shine
On fancies lush and passions sheer!
For words can tell what hearts divine:
So will you be my Valentine?
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"It's You**"

It's You**
Share your secrects,
share your thoughts.
I'll always be here for you in you times of trial and suffering.
I'll never let you down,
I'll never make you frown.
I'll be your friend and maybe you best!
You will be reciving a special place in my heart!
It will stay there trurly always and forever!
Share your thoughts,
share your dreams.
Even if it seems unreal,
It doesn't even have to be true!! It's You**
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