
День святого Валентина. В 2025 году отмечают 14 Февраля.

"This Day of Love I Take a Vow"

This Day of Love I Take a Vow
This day of love I take a vow
To love you well through all the days
Of long and labyrinthine ways:
But I would love you anyhow.
These words bespeak my unbent will
To love despite the passing pain,
Anger, lust, fear, silence, shame:
But without words I'd love you still.
A vow of love's the final seal
Upon an edict fully writ,
Not altering the sense of it,
Nor adding to the love we feel;
Or like an oarsman worth his weight
Upon a current swift and strong
That bears the fragile boat along
To where it meets its cherished fate.
So why a vow on Valentine?
Like any vow, to bind me to
Whatever I am bound to do:
Words that ride the wordless wind.
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Люби! Когда и гpyстно, и смешно.
Люби! Когда не любят, все pавно.
Люби! Хоть и любимым не зовyт.
Люби! Любовь твою поймyт.
Люби! Своемy сеpдцy пpикажи.
Люби! Своей любовью доpожи.
Люби! Когда кpyгом добpо и зло.
Люби! И быть иначе не должно!
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"You Are My Heart, My Hope, My Help"

You Are My Heart, My Hope, My Help
You are my heart, my hope, my help,
The passion that is me,
The whole of which I am a part,
My peace, my ecstasy.
You are my future, present, past,
My ship, my sail, my ocean,
The wind that brings me home again,
The home for every motion.
You live within me, yet I am
Without you all alone.
With you I am full of light;
Without you I am stone.
Is this foolish? Yes, perhaps,
But also it is true.
I think of life as something I
Can spend with only you.
Ah, my love! Love longs for such
Sweet celebrants as this!
Love is a burden and a joy,
Slavery and bliss.
This day of love come love with me,
Come sing with me my song.
Come be my Valentine, and I
Will love you my life long, my love,
Will love you my life long.
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"Good Night My Love!"

Good Night My Love!
As I am saying good night at the end of the day,
And you are not here, but many miles away,
My heart is so empty and so lonely inside,
As I wipe away a tear I am trying to hide.
I close my eyes and try to go to sleep,
But with the sadness inside I begin to weep.
Suddenly I remember what you once said to me,
Just meet me in the stars, waiting for you I will be.
When distance tends to keep us apart,
Remember I still hold you near in my heart.
When the night together, can't be ours,
Just close your eyes and meet me in the stars.
Remembering those words, I begin to smile,
And gently close my eyes, lessening the miles.
I can see the stars, oh how beautifully arranged,
But you are not there, no hug to exchange.
I sit alone waiting, with hope in my heart,
No longer wanting to be kept apart.
Suddenly in the distance, a shadow appears,
A tear rolls down my face and the image is clear.
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"Поздравляю с Днем влюбленных"

Поздравляю с Днем влюбленных,
Упоенных, озаренных
Чувствами прекрасными,
Самыми всевластными.
Дай вам Бог не расставаться,
Вечным счастьем наслаждаться!
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"If ever two were one, then surely we."

If ever two were one, then surely we.
If ever man were lov'd by wife, then thee;
If ever wife was happy in a man,
Compare with me ye women you can
I prize thy love more than whole mines og Gold.
Or all the riches that the East doth hold.
My love is such that rivers cannot quench,
Nor ought but love from thee, give recompense.
Thy love is such I can no way repay,
The heavens reward thee manifold repay,
Then while we live, in love let's so persevere
That when we live no more, we may live ever.
Ann Bradstreet
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"Valentine's Day is a day of love"

Valentine's Day is a day of love
Where love is as bright as the sun
We share kisses, and even a hug
With people we call our loved ones
Unrequited love is oh! so harsh
When the one you love doesn't love you
You feel you're left standing in the dark
Wishing this reality were untrue
Well that's why Valentine's Day is so great
It encourages you to show you care
It makes you just wanna say
I love you and will always be there
I once loved someone in this way
And I was encouraged on Valentine's
I went up to him, just to say
I would like you to be mine
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"Deare, when I from thee am gone"

Deare, when I from thee am gone,
Gone are all my joyes at once;
I loved thee, and thee alone,
In those love I joyed once,
And although your sights I leave,
Sight wherein my joyes do lie,
Till that death do sense bereave,
Never shall affection die.
John Downland
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"All love, at first, like generous wine"

All love, at first, like generous wine,
Ferments and frets until 'tis fine,
But, when 'tis settled on the lee,
And from th' impurer matter free,
Becomes the richer still the older,
And Proves the pleasanter the colder
Samuel Butler
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"Мой милый, нежный, доpогой"

Мой милый, нежный, доpогой,
Мой самый лyчший и любимый!
Мой ласковый, такой pодной
И в жизни так необходимый!
Позволь сказать тебе, что я
Теплом дyши твоей согpета,
И звездочка любви, гоpя,
Жизнь озаpяет дивным светом!
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"Be My Valentine: What Does That Mean?"

Be My Valentine: What Does That Mean?
Be my Valentine: What does that mean?
Each of us must walk through life alone,
More deeply desolate than we have known,
Yearning for a truth we've never seen.
Valentines are from beyond that dream,
Are like a sunrise on a world of stone.
Little on this journey can we own
Except as miracles might intervene.
No way but through loving might we give
The freedom of our being to another.
In such a sacrifice we hope to live
No longer bound by dreams of flesh and bone,
Even as we bind our lives together.
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"В этот день на улице мороз"

В этот день на улице мороз,
Но тепло, надежно мне с тобою,
Подарю тебе букет огромный роз,
Попрошу, чтобы была со мною.
И пускай на улице зима,
Ты для меня останешься весною,
Умрет от зависти сегодня Валентин,
Ведь на земле такой счастливый я один!
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