
День святого Валентина. В 2025 году отмечают 14 Февраля.

"Очень трудно встретить в жизни счастье"

Очень трудно встретить в жизни счастье,
И любить не каждому дано.
Я в плену любовной сильной страсти
Оказался, значить суждено!
Черными глазами, дорогая,
Ты меня сразила наповал.
И тебя сегодня поздравляя,
Я бы только счастья пожелал!
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"Как много разных валентинок"

Как много разных валентинок
Кружится в снежном феврале.
Одна из них - моя к тебе,
То ль из снежинок, то ль слезинок.
Зависит от тебя:
Снега растопим и весну
Скорей покличем иль зиму
Оставим в чувствах навсегда.
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"Это праздник надежды в любви."

Это праздник надежды в любви.
Валентинки - как снегири,
Красногрудые птицы зимы,
Нам несут приближенье весны
И надежду влюбленным сердцам.
В этот день путь открыт чудесам.
В этот день есть возможность в ответ
Услыхать или "да", или "нет".
Мой любимый, я в день этот рада
Вновь признать, наши чувства - награда.
Не награда, скорее сюрприз:
Сердца наши любовью зажглись!
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"Before Love, That Jolting Lilt"

Before Love, That Jolting Lilt
Before love, that jolting lilt
East of roses, in perturbed darkness,
Missing the eternal circumstance,
Yearning still, again, for that exploratory tilt …
Vainly would I fly into your heart
Afire, burning, consumed, expended.
Love is not an ending; nor does it end
Easily: becomes pith, becomes seed, starts
Needing, kneading, mid-desperation,
The long climb out of loneliness, turning
In hope, in anguish, in foolish expectation.
No two are joined except in painful learning:
Each frightened lesion closed for restoration.
Copyright: Nicholas Gordon
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"Let me give you my hand;"

Let me give you my hand;
May it ever be there for you.
Let me give you my shoulder;
May it always comfort you.
Let me give you my arms;
May they only hold you.
Let me give you my heart;
May it only love you.
- by Anon.
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"If ever two were one, then surely we."

If ever two were one, then surely we.
If ever man were lov'd by wife, then thee;
If ever wife was happy in a man,
Compare with me ye women you can
I prize thy love more than whole mines og Gold.
Or all the riches that the East doth hold.
My love is such that rivers cannot quench,
Nor ought but love from thee, give recompense.
Thy love is such I can no way repay,
The heavens reward thee manifold repay,
Then while we live, in love let's so persevere
That when we live no more, we may live ever.
Ann Bradstreet
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"I think that I have found"

I think that I have found
Upon this wondrous ground
A friend for life, a love
Who is a touch above
Life's mediocrities
That blow in different seas
These special ones on earth
Who've been that way since birth
They touch lightly your heart
And never must you part,
For when you see their eyes
There can be no good-byes
So walk this way with me
Along this pathway free,
I shall not bind or tie
Our love or it would die
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"Я от любви схожy с yма."

Я от любви схожy с yма.
Без вас вся жизнь моя напpасна.
Без ваших глаз, без ваших гyб,
Без ваших pyк я так несчастна.
Я не поймy, но почемy
Сyдьба дает мне с вами встpечи.
Чтоб каждый pаз, yвидев вас,
Гpyстить, когда настyпит вечеp.
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"My Love Is Both a Hunger and a Giving"

My Love Is Both a Hunger and a Giving
My love is both a hunger and a giving,
A need to have and also to bestow,
A lavish lust for flesh and yet a yearning
For beauty as austere as polished stone.
I want more than my life your happiness,
And yet my happiness depends on you.
Like a child I linger in your shadow
While like a parent I take you in my arms.
I want to be the sun to fill your sky
While like a rose I open to your smile.
I want to be the air you breathe, your music,
While like the sand I wait upon your sea.
So like and unlike, my love is doubly bonded,
The joys of giving and receiving joined.
This day of love it is my gift to you,
A heart you can consume yet keep forever.
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"To Ask You to Be My Valentine"

To Ask You to Be My Valentine
To ask you to be my Valentine
I'd have to talk to you,
Something that in all this time
I've managed not to do.
I'd have to get past "Hi!" somehow
To show you that I care,
But the right time is never now,
Especially when you're there.
It's as if a wall of fear,
Transparent yet profound,
Came hurtling up as you come near,
Cutting off all sound.
I fear I won't know what to say
And strike you as a fool,
Or you'll be glad to get away,
Polite not to be cruel.
Easier to dream than act,
To hope than to find out,
So fearful of the force of fact
I wait in fear-filled doubt.
But now the day of love has come,
And I must cross its line,
And so I ask you through this poem
To be my Valentine.
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"Very Little Love Is Lost in Living"

Very Little Love Is Lost in Living
Very little love is lost in living.
A star can fill a universe with light,
Lasting not one second less for giving
Each of us the gift of its delight.
Nor do we love ourselves the less for loving,
Taking others' pleasures for our own.
In love there is an ecstasy unmoving,
Neither more engaged nor less alone,
Eternal in its house of flesh and bone.
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"Как счастлива, что я тебя люблю."

Как счастлива, что я тебя люблю.
И, что ты ходишь где-то рядом.
Но я тебе порою просто лгу
Своим холодным, неприступным взглядом.
Я о любви тебе не говорю -
Тебе любви моей не надо.
Но бога я опять благодарю
За то, что ты живешь, и я тем рада.
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