
День святого Валентина. В 2024 году отмечают 14 Февраля.

"All love, at first, like generous wine"

All love, at first, like generous wine,
Ferments and frets until 'tis fine,
But, when 'tis settled on the lee,
And from th' impurer matter free,
Becomes the richer still the older,
And Proves the pleasanter the colder
Samuel Butler
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"Мой милый, нежный, доpогой"

Мой милый, нежный, доpогой,
Мой самый лyчший и любимый!
Мой ласковый, такой pодной
И в жизни так необходимый!
Позволь сказать тебе, что я
Теплом дyши твоей согpета,
И звездочка любви, гоpя,
Жизнь озаpяет дивным светом!
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"Be My Valentine: What Does That Mean?"

Be My Valentine: What Does That Mean?
Be my Valentine: What does that mean?
Each of us must walk through life alone,
More deeply desolate than we have known,
Yearning for a truth we've never seen.
Valentines are from beyond that dream,
Are like a sunrise on a world of stone.
Little on this journey can we own
Except as miracles might intervene.
No way but through loving might we give
The freedom of our being to another.
In such a sacrifice we hope to live
No longer bound by dreams of flesh and bone,
Even as we bind our lives together.
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"She walks in beauty, like the night"

She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies,
And all that's best of dark and bright,
Meet in the aspect and her eyes;
Thus mellow'd to that tender light
Which heaven and gaudy day denies.
Lord Byron
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"In My Thoughts."

In My Thoughts...
I had no reason
to send you a card,
no great news to reveal.
But I wanted you to know
that you're in my thoughts
and in my heart as well.
And I'm sending you a
wish for a wonderful day.
I hope lots of sunshine
comes your way.
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In all earth's music, grand, or sweet, or strong,
To hear one name, as if 'twere set in song.
In all my poems, written 'neath the sun,
To find the praises, o'er and o'er, in one.
To feel thyself a lesser part of what
Hadst thou not found, the earth would be as naught.
To think all beauty, perfectness and grace,
As but the shadow of one worshiped face.
With that face's coming, to bask in warmth and light
And with its going to grope, as in the night.
To rather feel a dear hand's stinging blow
Than any caress another might bestow.
To rather sit in gloom, and hear one voice
Than, missing that, on mountain tops rejoice.
To lose all individual hope and aim,
And have no wish, but for another's fame.
To count grief naught, though great, if one is glad.
To feel no joy if that dear one is sad.
Do thy heart strings, responsive, answer this?
Then thou hast known true love in all its bliss.
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"Valentine's for Lovers and for Friends"

Valentine's for Lovers and for Friends
Valentine's for lovers and for friends.
All my love goes out to you this day!
Love is something different from desire:
Even, silent, peaceful as the sky.
Nor is love interested in means or ends.
There are no selfish needs that it must weigh.
Instead, love's plenitude itself inspires,
Needing neither cause nor reason why.
Each day my thoughts enchanted with you lie.
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"Желаю чувства взаимности и взаимности чувства!"

Желаю чувства взаимности и взаимности чувства!
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"Only For One Night"

Only For One Night
Only for one night
May I have you inside me
& our souls be set free
Like a morning breeze
Driving yourself deeper inside of me
You have taken all pain
From me
Whisperings in my ear make love to me
Thinking what should I do hold back or give myself to you,
But it’s only 4 one night
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"Как счастлива, что я тебя люблю."

Как счастлива, что я тебя люблю.
И, что ты ходишь где-то рядом.
Но я тебе порою просто лгу
Своим холодным, неприступным взглядом.
Я о любви тебе не говорю -
Тебе любви моей не надо.
Но бога я опять благодарю
За то, что ты живешь, и я тем рада.
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"Вся наша жизнь подобна каравану"

Вся наша жизнь подобна каравану,
Любовь бредет сквозь бури и дожди.
Мы ищем свет любви, а нам сулят обманы
Неискренние звезды впереди.

Пускай в нас чувства вспыхивают рано,
Пусть властвует надежда над бедой...
И ту звезду, губительницу караванов,
Не спутать нам бы с утренней звездой.
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"Я так люблю смотpеть в твои глаза."

Я так люблю смотpеть в твои глаза.
Взгляд их так нежен, так опасен.
То pадостный он, то смyщенный иногда,
То вдpyг сypов, но так пpекpасен...
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